Archives For January 2013


Sometimes, I like to be random. Hence, Elijah’s bunny. It was in the room and I thought it might bring a smile to someone’s face.

……….ok…on with the music challenge.

Today, I wrote without the guitar again. I went in the direction of a movie/TV soundtrack. I suppose if the previously mentioned bunny were a super spy, he may use this song as he fights baddies.

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Sometimes, I like to write a soothing melody. Don’t listen to this while driving! But, when you can, listen and…relax.

60 minutes. 5 tracks.

New to my Music Challenge? Here are the rules.

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Lizzy McAvoy

January 18, 2013 — Leave a comment

I started rehearsing again with songwriter, musician, vocalist, sound engineer, arranger, artist, and ridiculous cook/baker, Lizzy McAvoy. Her talent is amazing! Check her out at


In an acoustic mood again today. Let me know what you think!

53 minutes. 4 tracks.

New to my Music Challenge? Here are the rules.

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Taylor 414CE Acoustic Guitar Joshua Lutz

I broke a rule today.

I’m to have at least 4 tracks, and today I have 3. I just couldn’t spend a lot of time on it today. I started to write some lyrics, but I decided to wait to put a vocal down.

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